Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Worried of SEO Century 21 Broker Properti Jual Beli Sewa Rumah Indonesia

At the end of this year, before getting close to new year there are many bloggers in Indonesia feel busy due to following their SEO contest for Google Indonesia to win the keyword Century 21 Broker Properti Jual Beli Sewa Rumah Indonesia.

Though only given Rp. 15.000.000,- for the first winner, this SEO contest will be very tight. Every day some articles of the bloggers joining this contest sometimes raises up and down Google.co.id Search Engine Result Page (SERP).

Indeed, it is not very important for me; but for my friends who struggle for this SEO contest will be such a valuable  thing to do if only winning all the competitors. By doing all SEO tips, they should work hard all the time when they get the bad SERP.

However, it should be noted that whatever the result of their articles on SERP, they have done their best; they are brave to beat Google. They should be sportive to win the keyword Century 21 Broker Properti Jual Beli Sewa Rumah Indonesia.

Good Luck for my friends, be the best for winning high prize for your works and win it; win SEO Contest Century 21 broker properti jual beli sewa rumah indonesia.

I just do hope that this SEO contest will not make all my friends activities to be undone

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for reviewing my article about century 21. May I win this SEO contest... although there are many best bloggers there.. We should be optimistic, shouldn't we?
